Monday, June 11, 2012

Symba Who? Symbaloo

The Internet can be a very overwhelming place at times if you don't have a good sense of organization. I am not sure how many different log in and passwords I have. It is almost like a cyber multiple personality disorder. Am I "gocartracer57" or "cheeselover1983" (both of these names were randomly picked so if anyone viewing my blog is one of these names more power to you). I feel like if all my passwords were keys on a ring it would be too heavy to carry. I have yet to come up with a great system and would love people to share systems that work for them. However, I have used a tool which gives me a sense of sanity as I unlock the door to the Internet each day. It is called Symbaloo and so far has been the most user friendly and consistently used Web 2.0 tool for keeping all my important bookmarks. Now I just found that there is a and I am going to look at moving my materials over to this for my next school year.


  1. Thanks for the new site. I will definetley check this one out!

  2. Great video find. I second Symbaloo. I couldn't survive without it. In fact, I just responded to Ben's blog saying I can't organize my technology and now I realize, the only strides I have made have been through my use of Symbaloo. I ran some sessions with students this year helping them build their own page to facilitate their Internet access and reduce overall homework time. I would like to have Ben build our school a page and push it out so all our students could access it. Maybe Georgeann and I will have to do it.

  3. I've never heard of this before, but I can completely relate. Different websites require different types of websites, include numbers, include punctuation, etc... Although I try to keep the same few passwords for everything, it always seems to be something different. I will be looking into this. I love to be more organized!!!
