Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Stolen Moments

There's a "nap" for that

I remember hearing the phrase, "stolen moments" when I was growing up. I knew these as little pockets of time that we were somehow lucky to have and fill with special moments. Most of these involved reconnecting with myself, nature, or loved ones. Yet, now I have found that I have sometimes let these moments be stolen by technology. Perhaps I can find a better balance and let the two exist together. I shall steal these moments back again. There's a "nap" for that isn't there?


  1. It is amazing how many moments are lost because of technology. If you go to a restaurant or walk around a store, almost everyone has a phone in hand. Although, technology does allow us to capture these moments and share them with the world. I guess it's an ongoing battle.

  2. Technology has definetly infected our society, some would say it's a bad thing but it is about finding the balance between the two. Remebering to look up from our ipads and laptops to "stop and smell the roses" is really hard for some people.

  3. Good point about technology being around to help us capture the moments. We do need to stop and smell the roses. I will have to tell Siri to remind me to do that.

  4. Very clever. I agree. Technology is changing me, so it must be changing our kids. I can't even watch an entire T.V. show (that I want to see) without being on my phone at the same time. I've never been known for my focus, but this is ridiculous. How do we get it to stop? How do we help our students navigate their world today?

  5. When I want to disconnect or feel the burden of technology I have left a lot of these items at home on purpose. I first I long for them and then it becomes a blessing not having them with me. My favorite is when I went to Kenya last summer and took nothing with me...not even my iPod. I took my journal and books and had a blast!
