Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Today was a day when I was glad for technology. My new best friend is the lady on the GPS giving me turn by turn directions. I did amaze myself today when I had the directions being read to me, "turn here in 200 yds," and I missed the turn. Luckily, my GPS knew that I was a little flighty and started thinking of an alternative plan. Thank goodness one of us is tuned in.


  1. Thank God for GPS. I have been so thankful for my GPS on many occasions. The only downfall is when the GPS decides to take you around the block to get across the street, haha. Glad that the GPS came in handy for you!

  2. Georgeann,
    I hear you. I couldn't get anywhere without my phone or GPS. I'm still baffled by how I got myself all the way around South America. Must have been the buses and lots of asking for directions at every turn!

  3. I agree with both of you. When I do not have my phone I feel like something is missing. I am not the biggest fan of the GPS, maybe it is the brand that I have. It never seems to work when I am really lost, it tends to take you all around the world to get to your location, or it can not find a satellite to figure out where you are.
