Monday, June 18, 2012

Old School Ways- 2.0 twist

Teacher Pal app image from google
End of the school year is here and I think how different things are since I started teaching 12 years ago. When I first started I was calculating my grades by hand with an old school gradebook and a calculator. Now I input my grades into a computer and it does the calculating for me. One might think that is the end of the process and we just click submit but that is not the case. We now have to check to make sure the weighting is accurate, we have input everything accurately like comment codes and assignment grades. I am always checking and rechecking. I have even moved away from the stereotypical gradebook and found an app that allowed me to input daily behavior and homework assignments, have a seating chart, do my attendance, and email parents all from the iPad. I have seen some really great positives with this but it is a shift in mindset and something that once you get out of the routine it is hard to get back to. The app is called Teacher Pal and can be found in the app store. I would give it a look. There are also easy graders that allow you to calculate what percentage scores would be based on how many questions you have. Some tech can help and make things easier but I say always have a back up and now how to do it old school.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Symba Who? Symbaloo

The Internet can be a very overwhelming place at times if you don't have a good sense of organization. I am not sure how many different log in and passwords I have. It is almost like a cyber multiple personality disorder. Am I "gocartracer57" or "cheeselover1983" (both of these names were randomly picked so if anyone viewing my blog is one of these names more power to you). I feel like if all my passwords were keys on a ring it would be too heavy to carry. I have yet to come up with a great system and would love people to share systems that work for them. However, I have used a tool which gives me a sense of sanity as I unlock the door to the Internet each day. It is called Symbaloo and so far has been the most user friendly and consistently used Web 2.0 tool for keeping all my important bookmarks. Now I just found that there is a and I am going to look at moving my materials over to this for my next school year.

Monday, June 4, 2012

I do not have a Facebook account. Does this make me a cyber outcast? I wonder what the world is like for those that have become fully "linked" in and base a lot of their interests on what is "liked" the most on-line. Am I missing out on true social time or am I connecting the old school way and doing just as well? I wonder how long I can hold out. I have received comments about sharing pictures, news, and reconnecting with others through Facebook but I still haven't gotten pulled in. Now I get things about Linked in. How does anyone find the time to keep up with all the latest updates and innovations to truly call themselves connected? Would I have known a long time ago that neon was back again? Old fashions come back into style so maybe I should just hang in there for this trend to end. 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Healing 2.0...

 Netflix and Pandora have to be two of my favorite apps ever. Hear the music that you are interested as you set up your own stations and then get movies and TV shows streamed live to your TV, iPad, iPhone, etc. They are amazing. Pandora is free and Netflix is a small amount to pay for access to great TV series and movies. I have renewed interest in old artists that I once forgot about and TV shows that I never had the chance to watch. I love to see what is coming down the "stream". I am not sure that I would have been able to keep my sanity while I recuperated from surgery if it wasn't for the series Damages totally distracting me. Sometimes the streaming is interrupted and it says reminds me that I too am rebuffering, healing 2.0 style.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Jing to the Rescue!

Finding a natural fit for a Web 2.0 tool is a wonderful thing. I was making some long term sub plans and I   thought if only I could explain it to them and walk them through it. Well, Jing was the answer. I was able to make a Screencast and walk my kids through what I needed to. Tech was able to give me the full effect. I would give Jing a try if you haven't used it.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Image from:   May 20, 2012

Last night, I enjoyed a meal with my wife and some good friends. We were sitting outside eating and one of our friends said, "Thanks for not pulling out your cell phone during dinner. It really is refreshing." We looked around and there were people that were out on a beautiful night with special people in their lives and seemed more interested in the latest tweet, text, or sports score. There is a time and a place for tech and I am glad that we took the time to enjoy the place we were in and the people that were with us and not in cyberspace.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Today was a day when I was glad for technology. My new best friend is the lady on the GPS giving me turn by turn directions. I did amaze myself today when I had the directions being read to me, "turn here in 200 yds," and I missed the turn. Luckily, my GPS knew that I was a little flighty and started thinking of an alternative plan. Thank goodness one of us is tuned in.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I remember the days when I didn't have an answering machine. If the phone rang it kept ringing unless someone was there to answer it. I wasn't constantly accessible like I am today. I miss those days. Now when someone calls me they try me on my home phone, my cell phone, text me, email me, and pretty soon they may send a tweet out for me. Should I really say on my message that I can't get to the phone right now or should I say, "I am currently taking a tech break. Please leave a message at the beep."

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Stolen Moments

There's a "nap" for that

I remember hearing the phrase, "stolen moments" when I was growing up. I knew these as little pockets of time that we were somehow lucky to have and fill with special moments. Most of these involved reconnecting with myself, nature, or loved ones. Yet, now I have found that I have sometimes let these moments be stolen by technology. Perhaps I can find a better balance and let the two exist together. I shall steal these moments back again. There's a "nap" for that isn't there?